Kindergarten Summer Packet | End of the Year Review


Total Pages: 120

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Make reviewing important Kindergarten skills fun with this comprehensive end-of-year review. This packet is filled with well over 100 pages of print and go activities that can be used in the classroom as an end-of-the-year review or turned into a booklet to send home as a summer review packet to help prevent summer slide.

The activities in this summer packet include at least 2 pages of each skill, in ELA and Math, to provide plenty of practice that can last all summer long. This has been thoughtfully created to require minimal supplies (pencil and crayons) to make it easy to complete at home or on-the-go!

Some of the activities include:

Spinners: add a paper clip and pencil

Color by Code: add crayons to follow the code to color fun summer-themed pictures

Roll the Dice: add one die to roll and record words and numbers, if students do not have dice at home they can do a quick internet search for dice OR use the template included.


Skills included in the Kindergarten Summer Review Packet:

Literacy Skills:



Sight Words

Reading Sentences

Writing Sentences

CVC Words

CVCe Words





Beginning Sounds

Middle Sounds

Ending Sounds



Writing Prompts

Summer Reading Choice Board


Math Skills:

Number Writing

Counting to 20


2D Shapes

3D Shapes

Ten Frames

Comparing Numbers to 20

Counting On



Skip Counting (10s, 5s, 2s)

Addition Word Problems

Subtraction Word Problems

Tally Marks

Number Words

Patterns (AB, ABB, ABC, AAB, AABB)

Number Lines

One More, One Less

Base Ten