Kindergarten Math Centers: Numbers to 10


Total Pages: 110

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Original price was: $49.00.Current price is: $29.00.


Building a solid number sense foundation is critical for a students' long-term math success – and it starts at an early age. It is important for our students to develop a deep understanding of individual numbers, their quantities, and how they relate to other numbers. Number sense is developed through lots of practice and exposure, which is why I am thrilled to present to you this Numbers to 10 Bundle!

This resource will provide your students with fun, hands-on centers to practice counting, number writing, number recognition, and one-to-one correspondence. The activities are perfect to use all year long and will make planning a breeze. Preparing these activities are also super easy!

Included are 15 different center activities for numbers 0-10. These activities using basic classroom supplies such as plastic math cubes, math bears, and magnetic numbers. Please download the preview to see a picture of each of the activities in action.

Each center activity comes with
-Teacher friendly directions
-“I Can” direction pages for students
-A black and white recording sheet
-Answer Keys, when needed

Here's an overview of what's included:

1. Count the Room: Students will find a picture card and count the objects to find the total. They will find the matching picture on their card and write the number to show the total. This activity can also be used at a table/center.

2. Number Express: Students will identify each number and count to put the Number Express train in order.

3. Count and Write: Students will select a card and count the objects to find the total. They will find the matching picture on their card and write the number to show the total.

4. What's Missing?: Students will select a picture card and count to determine the missing numbers. They will find the corresponding picture series on their paper and record the missing numbers.

5. Count On: Students will identify the number represented by the picture on the card. They will count on to determine the missing numbers. {Magnetic numbers work great for this.} To show their work, they will find the matching picture on their paper and fill in the four numbers that come after.

6. Pepperoni Pizza!: Students will select a pizza card and count the number of pepperonis. They will record the number on their paper and color the tens frame to show the number.

7. Ten Frame Toss Up: Students will count the bears to determine the total. Using classroom manipulatives, they will show the total on the ten frame.

8. Let's Count: Students will count each set of objects on the counting mat to determine the total of each. They will find the matching set of pictures on their recording sheet and write the numbers to show the totals.

9. Show the Number: Students will read the number on the left side of the card. They will determine the number represented by each picture and clip the spaces that show the target number.

10. Number Paint: Students will count each set of paint cans to show the total. {Optional: They can match a magnetic number to the mat to show their answer. They will match the letter on the card to their paper and write the number to show the total.

11. Racin' to Write: Using a dry erase marker students will trace the numbers and practice writing them on their own. Small dots are provided to show students where to begin writing.

12. Color Code Numbers: Students will select a number card. They will count the objects to find a space on their paper that shows the number. They will color those pictures to match the color on the card.

13. Count and Color: Students will select a picture and identify the number represented. They will find the corresponding number on their paper and color it to match the card.

14. Let's Go Shopping: Students will count the grocery items on the card and match it to the grocery bag number card. They will find the matching grocery item picture on their paper and record the total.

15. I Know My Numbers: Students will identify the number represented on each picture card and match it to the corresponding sorting mat.