Literacy Centers for Kindergarten | Literacy Centers with Spinners
Literacy Centers for Kindergarten with activities that can be used throughout the school year
Total Pages: 155

This resource is a perfect way to make literacy centers for Kindergarten EASY to prep and plan with activities that are interactive, meaningful, and FUN! With 50 center activities included, there’s more than enough to incorporate a “spinner center” in your classroom the entire school year! Inside you'll find a wide variety of Kindergarten skills – letter recognition, letter/word/sentence, phonemic awareness, beginning sounds, ending sounds, middle short vowel sounds, nouns, color words, CVC words, CVCe words, word families, and MORE!
The directions for each center stay the same – so you can explain once, and your students will know what to do every time. The only thing that changes is the skill they are practicing. There are no themes included in this packet, so all of the activities are perfect year-round. With a clickable table of contents at the beginning of the packet, you can easily find what you need and have it ready when your students are.
The activities in this resource are designed to provide your students with a hands-on and interactive way to practice the math skills covered in Kindergarten. You can use these activities as math stations, morning tub activities, or fast finisher tasks.
Students will record their answers using a color code so you can easily check their work and monitor their progress! Each activity includes teacher-friendly directions and Kindergarten-friendly “I Can” visual directions. These are great for keeping students on task or to show what students are working on during administration walk-throughs!
To prepare each activity just print and laminate the spinner and print the black and white recording sheet. You could also place the recording sheets in a page protector and have students use plastic math cubes to cover their answers. To help keep you organized, the title and picture on the spinner and recording sheet match.
Students will need a paper clip and a pencil to make a spinner. You can also use plastic transparent spinners if you have them. I got mine on Amazon and I love them! Students will also need crayons to color their answers.
Activity Directions: Students will spin the spinner and identify their spinner and the color. They will find a corresponding answer on the recording sheet and color, write, or trace the answer using the color code.
Skills included in these Literacy Centers for Kindergarten:
1. Letter or Word?
2. Letter, Word, or Sentence?
3. Number of Letters: Counting Letters in a Word
4. Number of Words: Counting Words in a Sentence
5. Uppercase or Lowercase
6. Letter Match 1: Uppercase to Uppercase
7. Letter Match 2: Lowercase to Lowercase
8. Make a Match 1: Uppercase to Lowercase
9. Make a Match 2: Lowercase to Uppercase
10. Where's the Sound? 1: Beginning, Middle, or End
11. Where's the Sound? 2: Beginning, Middle, or End
12. Same Beginning Sounds 1: Match Picture to Picture
13. Same Beginning Sounds 2: Match Picture to Picture
14. Beginning Sounds 1: Match Letter to Picture
15. Beginning Sounds 2: Match Letter to Picture
16. Same Ending Sounds 1: Match Picture to Picture
17. Same Ending Sounds 2: Match Picture to Picture
18. Ending Sounds 1: Match Letter to Picture
19. Ending Sounds 2: Match Letter to Picture
20. Same Middle Sounds 1: Match Picture to Picture (Short Vowel)
21. Same Middle Sounds 2: Match Picture to Picture (Short Vowel)
22. Middle Sounds 1: Match Letter to Picture (Short Vowel)
23. Middle Sounds 2: Match Letter to Picture (Short Vowel)
24. Rhyming Words 1: Match Picture to Picture
25. Rhyming Words 2: Match Picture to CVC Word
26. Rhyming Words 3: Match CVC Word to CVC Word
27. Syllables 1: 1, 2, and 3 Syllables
28. Syllables 2: 2, 3, and 4 Syllables
29. Read the Word 1: Real and Nonsense CVC Words
30.Read the Word 2: Real and Nonsense CVCe Words
31. Colors All Around 1: Color Words – Yellow, Blue, Brown, and Purple
32. Colors All Around 2: Color Words – Red, Black, Orange, and Green
33. Nouns: Person, Place, Thing, or Animal
34. Short or Long 1: Vowel Sounds with Pictures
35. Short or Long 2: Vowel Sounds with Words
36. CVC Word Families 1: Short A
37. CVC Word Families 2: Short E
38. CVC Word Families 3: Short I
39. CVC Word Families 4: Short O
40. CVC Word Families 5: Short U
41. Mixed CVC Words 1: Word Families
42. Mixed CVC Words 2: Word Families
43. CVCe Word Families 1: Long A
44. CVCe Word Families 2: Long I
45. CVCe Word Families 3: Long O
46. CVCe Word Families 4: Long U
47. Mixed CVCe Words 1: Word Families
48. Mixed CVCe Words 2: Word Families
49. Beginning Digraphs: Ch, Sh, Th, Wh
50. Ending Digraphs: Ch, Sh, Th
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