December Morning Tubs for Kindergarten


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This gingerbread themed resource includes 21 literacy and math activities that are perfect for Kindergarteners during the month of December. This resource works great as a compliment your gingerbread unit, or just for fun. The activities make the perfect kindergarten morning tubs.

The activities and games included are interactive and hands-on to keep students engaged and learning right up until break.

These kindergarten morning tubs are easy to prep – most are just print and go. They use basic classroom supplies such as plastic cubes, mini erasers, play dough, dot cubes, and spinners. Most activities include more than one version allowing you to differentiate for your students.

Each activity includes teacher friendly directions as well as an “I Can” visual directions page to promote independence. They do not include recording sheets which makes them ideal for morning tubs, early finishers, or those last few days before break. But you can certainly use them for math and literacy centers too.

Here's a look at what's included:

Syllable Build: Students will say the name of each picture and clap to determine the number of syllables. They will stack that many cubes on top of the picture. (2 activities included)

Sound Gumdrops: Students will say the name of each picture and identify the ending sound. They will use the gumdrop color code to cover the pictures. Ending sounds, CVC middle sounds, and word family versions are included. (6 activities included)

What's the Sound?: Students will select a picture card and determine the beginning sound. They will use mini erasers or other small manipulatives to form the letter on the mat. Note: There are two versions of the sound cards included, in case you’d like to make this activity self checking. You can cover the letter with a sticky note. Students can lift the sticky note to check their work. (2 activities included)

Gumdrop Onset and Rime: Students will say the name of the CVC picture on the gingerbread house. They will match the gumdrops to show the onset and rime. It is recommended that you go over the picture names with your students before they complete this activity independently.

Rhyming Bump Games: Students play with a partner. Players will take turns spinning the spinner and covering a rhyming match picture with a plastic cube. If a player rolls the same word they can “BUMP” the other player off the space. If the player rolls the same word again, without being bumped off, they can add a second cube to “lock” the space. Locked spaces cannot be bumped. The first player to use all of their cubes is the winner. (2 activities included)

Same Sound Spin: Students will spin the spinner and determine the beginning/ending sound on the spinner. They will find a picture with the matching beginning or ending sound on the mat and cover it. Beginning Sounds and Ending Sounds are included. (2 activities included)

Gumdrop Cover Up: Students will use the color code on the right side of the mat to cover the spaces. There are three skills included: uppercase / lowercase letters, letter / word, and real / nonsense words. (3 activities included)

Gingerbread Sight Words | Editable: Students will select a sight word card and place it on the mat. They will build the word using a dry erase marker or magnetic letters.

Roll and Cover Colors: Students will roll a dot cube and identify the color. They will cover a space on the activity mat to match the color. They will continue to play until all of the spaces are covered. Students can link the cubes together to make the picture once their mat is covered.

Dough Creations: Students will use play dough to make snakes to form the dough gingerbread theme pictures. (9 picture cards included)

Build a Gingerbread House: Students will select a number “directions” card or building instructions. They will count out each color of gumdrops and put it on the gingerbread house to complete “construction”. (15 building instruction cards included)

Count and Cover 10 Frames: Students will select a card and identify the number. They will find a space with the matching number and cover it with a cube. (Numbers to 10 and 20 included)

Peppermint Number Order: Students will count the peppermints in the jar. They will count back or count on to fill in the missing numbers.

Gingerbread Make 10: Students will use the ten frame on the left of the mat to identify a way to make 10. They will use magnetic numbers or dry erase markers to show a way to make 10.

Count and Build: Students will determine the number represented on the mat. They will either count out math manipulatives like mini erasers to show the number – or – use math cubes to build a tower to show the number. Numbers to 5, 10, and 20. (2 styles, 6 mats included)

Let's Compare: Students will each roll the dot cube(s) and compare their roll with their partner. The player who rolled less/more covers a space on their game mat. The first player to cover all the spaces is the winner. (2 games included – comparing more and comparing less)

What's the Number?: Students will select a picture card and determine the number represented. They will use mini erasers or other small manipulatives to form the number on the mat. Note: There are two versions of the ten frame cards included, in case you’d like to make this activity self checking. You can cover the number with a sticky note. Students can lift the sticky note to check their work. (2 activities included)

Gingerbread Race: Students will roll the dot cube and count to determine the number they rolled. They will cover that make spaces on their game mat. The first player to cover all of the numbers wins. In order for a player to win, they must roll the exact number needed – if they have one space left, they must roll a one to win. Numbers to 20 and 30. (2 games included)

Spin and Race: Students will spin the spinner to determine how many spaces to cover. The first player to cover all of the spaces wins. In order for a player to win, they must spin the exact number needed – if they have one space left, they must roll a one to win. Numbers to 20 and 30 (2 games included)

Spin and Show: Students will spin the spinner to determine the number. They will count and show that many manipulatives on the mat. Then, if prompted they will show one more, one less, or ten more. Numbers within 10 and within 20 included. (5 mats included)

Roll and Remove: Before the game begins, players will place each of their 20 manipulatives on their game mat, one per circle. To Play: Players will take turns rolling the dot cube and counting to determine the number they rolled. They will remove that many manipulatives from the game board. Players will continue to take turns rolling and removing the manipulatives until a player clears their board. To win, the player must roll the exact number needed. For example, if a player has one left on their game board, they must roll a one to win the game. (2 games included)

⭐️ Please note: Christmas clipart is NOT included in this resource. Only gingerbread. 🙂 Please download the preview for a detailed view of what's included.

For a closer look at some of the activities included, check out this video:


If you love this activity, check out other months:
⭐️ CLICK HERE for more monthly morning tub activities!

If you need even more gingerbread activities, click below to check these out:
⛄️ Mrs. Gingerbread's Bakery – A Letter Game
⛄️ No Prep Pages for December
⛄️ Gingerbread 6 Pack Centers – includes recording sheets