Colors and Color Words Centers


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This resource is packed with 15 colors center activities that are perfect for back to school or anytime of the year. This resource will provide your students with fun, hands-on centers to practice color matching, color recognition, and color words. With year-round themes you can use a few centers now and save some for later in the year. Preparing these activities are also super easy!

Included are 15 different center activities to teach and reinforce colors and color words. Please download the preview to see a detailed description of each center.

Please Note: All centers include practice for: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, and black. However, due to space on some of the recording sheet, some centers do not include practice for the colors pink and gray/grey. For centers that include these colors, the option of gray and grey is included.

Each center activity comes with
-Teacher friendly directions
-“I Can” direction pages for students
-A black and white recording sheet
-Answer Keys for easy checking
-A Color Word Reference Page

Centers Include:

1. Paint a Rainbow: Students will spin the spinner and identify the color. On the recording sheet, they will color a real life object to match. Students will continue to spin and color until all of the pictures have been colored.

2. Animals Among Us: Students will spin the spinner and identify the color word. On the recording sheet, they will color a box with the corresponding color word. Students will continue to spin and color until all of the spaces have been colored.

3. Write the Room: Place cards in various places around the classroom. Students will walk around the room to find the cards. They will match the picture on the card to the picture on their recording sheet. They will copy the word from the card and write it on their paper.

4. Crayon Colors: You can use this as a write the room activity or have students complete in a center. Students will select a picture card and identify the color word. They will find the corresponding color word on the paper. They will trace the color word and color the crayon to match.

5. Sentence Shuffle: Students will select a set of cards with the same picture. They will put the cards in order to make a complete sentence. To record their work, they will find the matching picture and record the sentence on the line.

6. Colorful Sentences: Students will put the cards in order to make a complete sentence. To record their work, they will find the matching color word and trace it and color the pig to match.

7. Count and Color: Students will read each color statement and color the corresponding number of objects to match the color statement. (2 activities included)

8. What Color Is It? Students will identify the picture and real world color. On the recording sheet they will write the name of the picture under the corresponding color. (3 activities included)

9. Secret Code Color Words: Students will identify the beginning sound of each picture to spell a color word. They will record the color word on the recording sheet next to the matching letter.

10. Colorful Clips: Students will identify the color of each picture. They will clip or cover the color word. On the recording sheet, they will find the matching picture and record the color word.

11. Colorful Hearts: Students will select a heart picture card and identify the color. On the recording sheet they will color a heart to match and write the color word.

12. Roll, Color, Graph: Students will roll the cube and color a space to show the color they rolled. (2 activities included)

13. Paint a Color Word: Students will select an activity card and count each color of paint. On the recording sheet, students will write the color word next to the matching number.

14. Let's Graph Color Words: Students will count each set of color objects on the graphing mat. They will color the graph to show the total of each color. They will use their graph to answer questions and then spell the color words on the paper. (2 activities included)

15. Color Word Scramble: Students will select a set of letter cards with the same color on the upper right corner. They will put the cards in order to spell the color word. On the recording sheet, they will write the color word and color the shape to match.