A Dab of Learning: Beginning Sounds Practice


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Need a fun way to teach beginning sounds to your students? Try bingo dabbers!

Bingo dabbers have always been a hit in my classroom! They make learning fun and get kids super excited about their work. The bingo dabber center is always the most popular center activity. This file provides several activities to help you teach your students beginning sounds while using bingo dabbers!

This file contains 4 center activities. The activities cards are color coded to help keep you organized. Recording sheets are also labeled for easy organization.

Students will say the name of the picture. Match the number on the card to their paper and then dab their answer to show the beginning sound.

There are also a dozen no-prep practice pages to reinforce the skill (bingo dabber style, of course!).

Although this product was designed with bingo dabbers in mind, you certainly could have students use crayons to color their answers.

This beginning sounds file contains:
-4 low prep literacy centers. Each center provides 15 different opportunities for practice.
-12 no-prep practice pages. Can be used as morning work, homework, small group instruction, or independent practice.
-To make the teacher's job easier, answer keys and picture name keys are included.
-Kid-friendly “I Can” visual directions page to keep students on task and promote independence.

Are you looking for more fun and fresh activities to teach letter sounds?
Find some great idea here —–> Beginning Sounds BUNDLE

More bingo dabber activities:
Bingo Dabber Activities for Kindergarten
Bingo Dabber NO-PREP Printables for Kindergarten