Free Fire Safety Math Game
Many schools observe Fire Safety Week during the first part of October when they set aside time to teach students about fire safety and what to do in the event of a fire. This week often includes a school visit from local firefighters. If you are fortunate enough to teach near a fire station, you might take a walk to the fire station. Today I wanted to share a fun and free fire safety math game that you can use with your kindergarten students to help reinforce Fire Safety Week!

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Fire Safety BUMP Math Game
BUMP Games are one of my favorite types of games for kindergarten students to play. There are so many different skills you can practice, but the directions always stay the same.
This means you can change the objective or the skill being practiced without having to reintroduce and explain directions. That's a big teacher win!

How to Play The Fire Safety Math Game
To play this fire safety math game, all you need to do is print the game mat and add dot cubes and game pieces. This makes it a great last minute activity or time filler.
These large foam dice from Learning Resources are perfect for this game. They are large, which means they are great for little learners so that they can easily identify the numbers. Since the dice are foam, they're extra quiet, too.
Plastic math cubes work the best for BUMP game pieces because they are easy to stack. If you have a set in your classroom, those would work great. If not, here's an Amazon link to the plastic math cubes I love.
To begin, each player will need ten cubes in their own color. There are two versions of the fire safety math game included in this free download: numbers to 6 and numbers to 12.
Numbers to 6
For the numbers to six version, each set of players will need only one dot cube and their own set of 10 game pieces.
To play the game, students roll the dot cube and count to identify the number they rolled. They use a game piece to cover the number on the game board.
If the opponent has a game piece on that number, the player can bump off their opponent’s game piece.
If the player already has a game piece on that number, they can add another game piece to “lock” in their position (like a “king” in checkers). Players can not bump off a locked game piece.
The first player to use all of their cubes is the winner.
Numbers to 12
Two dice are needed for the numbers to 12 version, but the directions stay the same. You can have students add the numbers together for a challenge, or simply count on.
This fire safety math game is easy to differentiate without changing the directions.
You can download your free copy of the fire safety math game freebie by clicking here.
For more Fire Safety activities for kindergarten, check out this blog post and this blog post.
Let me know in the comments what you are doing for Fire Safety Week in your classroom!

My kids really liked the Fire Safety Bump Game.
I’m so glad Thank you for letting me know.