Summer Games and Activities for Kindergarten
Finding ways to keep your students on task as the weather gets warm can feel overwhelming. Whether you're wrapping up the end of the school year or teaching summer school, having hands-on activities for your students is a huge game-changer. In this post, I share summer games for kindergarten that allow your students to use dice, spinners, and cubes as they master key grade-level skills.
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Literacy & Math Summer Freebies
These summer games for Kindergarten are meant to be played with a partner or small group. Each student will need a game board, small manipulatives {mini erasers work great}, and a spinner or dot cubes to share.
These summer mini erasers are similar to the ones I used in the picture. Students can make a spinner using a paperclip and pencil. Or you can use these premade plastic spinners (I LOVE these!).
Quick tip: How do students decide who goes first in partner games? Before the game begins have each student spin the spinner or roll the dot cube; the player that spins or rolls the bigger number {or smaller number…you choose} goes first.
Summer Sounds Game Freebie
To play this game, your students need a copy of the game board and a dot cube. Players take turns rolling the cube, counting the dots, and using the code on their game board to cover the pictures. A player skips their turn if they roll a number and all of the corresponding pictures have been covered. The first player to cover all of the pictures is the winner. You can find the Rainbow mini erasers on Amazon.
Summer Games for Kindergarten
If you're looking for low-prep activities and summer games for kindergarten, this set of Summer Math & Literacy Activities is what you need! With 15 math and 15 literacy activities included, these summer games are a perfect way to sneak in some learning while still allowing your students to have fun!
There's something for everyone, with a wide variety of skills included! The packet includes a mix of no-prep activities, independent activities, and partner games.
Because these activities use dot cubes, spinners, and cubes students think they are games and love working on them. Most of the activities in this packet can be used as partner games for students to learn with one another.
You'll notice that the set-up and directions for all summer games are very similar. This is intentional. With these centers, the activities stay the same, but the skills change. This way you do not have to constantly reexplain the directions. Students become accustomed to the directions and know how to complete the activity.
Summer Literacy Games
Short Vowel Shells
For this activity, students will roll a dot cube with different vowels. After they roll a vowel, they will find the spot on their recording sheet for that vowel. Students will choose a picture that includes that short vowel and write the word in the column.
Sunny S-Blends
Students will spin a spinner to choose an S-blend. Then, they will find a picture that matches that blend and color it using the same color as they blend on the spinner. They will write the word on the line.
Long Vowel Luau
Students will roll a dot cube with different vowels. After they roll a vowel, they will find a word with that long vowel sound and write it in the correct column on their recording sheet. After, students will choose one word and write a sentence.
Beachy Digraphs:
Students will roll the dot cube to choose a digraph. Then, they will find a picture that has that digraph. They will write the word on the line next to the picture.
Summer Math Games
Sandy Skip Counting:
This math activity gives your students practice with skip counting by 2s. Students will have a recording sheet that has sets of numbers with missing spaces. To play, students will spin a spinner to determine a missing number. Then, students will find a set of numbers on their recording sheet that is missing that number. Students will write the number in the box.
Totally Ten Frames
Students will roll a dot cube to choose a set of ten frames. Then, they will record the number on their recording sheet and create an addition equation to match. They will write a tens and ones equation and color the tens frame to match.
Ship Shapes
Your students will use the spinner to choose a shape. Then, they will find a matching shape on the recording sheet and write the number of attributes that shape has.
You can check out some other hands-on summer activity ideas here.
I hope these summer games for kindergarten make the last few weeks of the school year flow smoothly and easily!

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