Build a Sight Word (plus recording sheet)
Today's blog post will be a quickie. I was just so excited about my latest Target find, I had to share it with my teaching friends! So let's get started with our build a sight word fun!
I knew it was going to be a good trip because this was the first thing I saw when I walked in the door. I could have bought absolutely nothing and seeing this sign would have made my trip worthwhile.

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But thankfully that wasn't the case. I did find something. I found a TREASURE in the Dollar Deals section. This might be my most favorite find EVER! These little gems were $3.
So why was this such a big deal?! Well, earlier this week on my Facebook page, I posted an awesome sight word activity that I found from Carolyn at Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together. She had her students build sight words using Mega Blocks. You can read her post here.
I loved the idea. I mean, it's pure brilliance to put sight words on TOYS! What kid wouldn't love that?!
But, I was SO bummed because I didn't have the blocks to make the center. I had them at one point but now that I need them, I can't find them! Does that happen to anyone else?!
Nonetheless, I shared the activity for all those lucky ones that might have the blocks tucked away in their closet.
Here's a picture of what the activity looks like. It's SO easy to prep. I just took a sharpie marker and wrote the letters right on the blocks.
I realize not everyone may be able to run out to Target right now (or these may no longer be sold there), but you can purchase your own set for “Build a Sight Word” from Amazon by clicking here.

I made a recording sheet to go with the activity. I want my students to write the words that they worked on.
I really like having a recording sheet to go with most of my independent centers. I feel like it holds students accountable for their work. Also, it shows parents what their child is working on at school.
So whenever it's possible, I try to include a recording sheet.

CLICK HERE to download the FREE Build a Sight Word recording sheet.
Thanks for reading along as I gushed about my Build a Sight Word excitement!

I think this is a great idea!!
OMG I just discovered your site and I absolutely love IT! Thanks for the great ideas. When I get home I'm grabbing a sharpie and some blocks LOL
I am so excited for this! Did you have a "set" for each student or did you create enough words that each student in the center could fill their recording sheet?
Fantastic! Kids will love 'building' their sight words! Thanks for sharing and including a recording sheet!
This is a great idea for teaching the children how to read and learn words. I tried it and my children loved it.
Love love love this idea and will be writing all over our Duplo from tomorrow!
Very clever idea! Fun and educational is as good as it gets.
I'm going to have to try this my daughter just started kindergarten this year and is struggling really hard with sight words.
Hi I was wondering if you could tell me how many blocks came in the bag and how tall the blocks are. I have not found them in any target by me so I am trying to find online, but I don't want bricks that are too small. Thanks
Love this. Going to use it for my 2year old
I homeschool 4 children.. just the coolest new "trick" tool in the bag for our preschoolers we needed.. THANK YOU!!!
hi Jena,
Try applying a very light coat of clear nail polish over the words. It seals in the ink and prevents it from rubbing off.
I went to customer service and asked for them. They needed the name and item number. It is Toy Bricks 234 25 0036, and tell them it is from the dollar spot. I asked and I was able to get as many as I wanted from them. Hope this helps!!
I found the bricksssss!!! I went two days ago and didnt see them, went today by miracle of God and saw them. Grabbed the last two bags! Thank you!!! I hope my son loves the idea
I'm a Nana that loves to give educational tools to my grandchildren and great grandchildren. This is absolutely wonderful! My questions is are these being made with the regular size lego blocks? I would love to make some, grandpa doesn't know he's about to be drafted
Just not sure on the size.
hi Nana! I loved your comment so much! I love that you are giving your grandkiddies fun and educational activities. The blocks that I found at Target are definitely smaller than Duplos or Mega Blocks. But if you can't find the ones from Target, this activity would also work with larger Legos, Duplos, or Mega Blocks. You can also glue the bottoms together to make longer words. I used a super duty glue like E6000 (you can get it in the craft section at Wal-Mart or Target). I hope you and Grandpa have fun putting them together. Thank you so much for stopping by!
Thanks so much! I found a site for bulk legos which will work for us since we have 27 grandchildren and just a few minutes ago found out that great grandbaby 16 will be arriving in May. I'm sure we will use some of the larger blocks for the smaller hands. Loved the idea about using math also.
Oh my goodness! Love the idea! Thanks for sharing the idea and the recording sheet.
hi Shari! You're welcome. Enjoy! Thank you for stopping by!
AWESOME! Must make a Target trip now!
Thank you, Kristy!
This is great idea for my younger group of 3 year olds. Name recognition blocks.
hi Kim, That's a great idea! There's so much you can do with these blocks. I'm glad you are able to differentiate them to meet your kiddos needs!
Thanks for sharing! Finally found them at Target I was patient.
Was wondering if I could help you make one for math too. We use math expressions and I love the trains in the block set to be used at partner trains.
hi Nikole, I'm so glad you found them! Persistence pays off!! Unfortunately, I am trying to finish up quite a few projects at the moment so I don't have the time to make a math version too. I will put it on my to-do list for future project. Thank you so much for stopping by!
Thank you so much for sharing! I have some boys that LOVE legos and this will incorporate learning. I found the bricks after two tries. Thank you!!
hi Jean!
Yes, this is sure to be a hit with the boys! I'm so glad you found the bricks and didn't have to run to a million different stores looking for them. Enjoy the activity and thanks so much for stopping by!
This is great! I snagged the last three bags of blocks at Target!! So excited to use these with my active kiddos! Thank you for a great resource!
hi Christin,
I'm so glad you found them!!! You are very welcome!
This is awesome…the boys in my classroom might actually fight over who goes to the sight words station! Thanks so much for pointing out the possibilities and posting the recording sheet!
These will definitely make learning sight words loads of fun. I hope it's a hit in your classroom. You are most welcome for the recording sheet. Enjoy!
I have been to 3 Targets and can not find them! =( I hope they come to Florida soon. I love the idea!!
I'm sorry you're having trouble. Keep trying! A friend of mine found them in Florida last Friday, so hopefully they are coming!
I ordered them on Amazon!!
What are they called on Amazon because I can’t find these exact same ones anywhere, not even E-Bay.
Hi there,
I originally found these at Target, but any block would work. In the blog post is an Amazon link to a great alternative. Hope that helps
I got the blocks and LOVE the recording sheet. I actually was given some large duplo blocks by a friend this summer so I had 4 with the same word for the kids to match. I like your idea even better. I think I may glue two together for larger words (where, look, good…)
hi Lisa,
Yes I am going to try gluing them together. I think using a heavy duty glue like E6000 might due the trick.
Thank you for sharing!!! Running out to Target right now to set this up for my classroom!
hi Corrie,
You are most welcome! Hope your kiddos love the activity! Thank you for stopping by.:)
Thank you so much! This is really useful for kiddos
This is great! I too like to include an accountability piece to my workstations. Your recording sheet will definitely come in handy. Thanks.
hi Alicia,
Thank you so much! I'm so glad you like the recording sheet. Thank you for stopping by!
Hi my name is Angela From Hampto va you are amazing Thank you for That Idea Love it.And My Kids Will To.